Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

Portugal Wine Castes recognizes the importance of protecting your personal data, whatever its nature. For this reason, we have developed a set of security measures aimed at protecting your data.

Personal data relating to minors under the age of 18 will not be considered, nor will any order placed by them with our knowledge be recognized.

The personal data of the users/customers of this website will be processed in accordance with the law in force.

1. Our Policy:

Users have the right to protection of their personal data.

Portugal Wine Castes respects users’ right to information about the collection and processing of their personal data.

Portugal Wine Castes, as the controller of personal data, determines the purposes and means by which your personal data is processed, including all security measures.

Portugal Wine Castes guarantees that personal data is processed correctly and lawfully and in accordance with good practice.

When processing data that can identify you personally, directly or indirectly, we apply the principle of strict necessity. For this reason, this website has been designed so that the use of your personal data is minimal and does not exceed the original purpose for which it was collected and/or processed.

Anonymous information is collected when you browse our website for statistical and operational improvement purposes, so that your experience is always the best.

This Privacy Policy is intended to provide you with all the information you need to understand our privacy practices. However, if you have any questions regarding our privacy practices and this Privacy Policy, you can send them to:

2. Who Processes Your Personal Data:

Portugal Wine Castes will only process the personal data of users of this website for organizational and functional purposes. This decision is strictly linked to the performance of the services provided by Portugal Wine Castes on this website, including the sale of products.

3. How We Use Your Personal Data and for What Purpose:

Your personal data is collected and processed by Portugal Wine Castes only for purposes strictly linked to the use of this website, its services and the purchase of products. However, your personal data may also be used for other processing operations within the limits of such applications. In particular, your personal data may be processed for the following purposes:

– When you execute purchase processes for products sold on this website, including the conclusion of agreements for the purchase of products, we collect your personal data on the purchase form, solely for the purpose of selling, sorting and transporting the products ordered by you;

– When you request service assistance we collect your personal data only for the purpose of providing you with information relevant to this website and the assistance;

– When you request technical assistance, we collect your personal data in order to provide you with information about the website;

– When you create or share your Wish List, we collect your data in order to personalize our services for the purchase of products on the website;

– When you save a delivery address, we collect your personal data in order to simplify the preparation of your future orders;

– When you sign up to our newsletter you agree to commercial messages being sent to you by email or other marketing means.

A Portugal Wine Castes irá recolher os seus dados pessoais, geralmente por via eletrónica, no entanto, em certas circunstâncias, os meios em papel podem ser utilizados (por exemplo, quando o tratamento dos seus dados pessoais é necessário para a prevenção de fraudes contra nós).

Your personal data is stored in a way that allows Portugal Wine Castes to identify you for as long as it is strictly necessary to process and collect said data, except in the cases expressly provided for in this document, everything else is in accordance with applicable laws.

Please send any changes to your personal data to the following email address:, to ensure that your personal data is always kept up to date.

Unless otherwise specified, your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties for purposes not permitted by law or without your explicit consent. Your personal data will only be communicated to third parties when it is necessary to process an order.

Your personal data will be disclosed to natural or legal persons in the following situations:

– Provision of electronic payment services using credit/debit cards;

– Processing product sales;

– Sorting, packing and shipping products;

– Solving problems related to the sale of products;

– Receiving payments for product purchases;

– Processing customer product returns.

In addition, your personal data may be communicated to the police or judicial authorities, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and upon a formal request by the authorities, for the purpose of preventing fraud against us (anti-fraud services) or other legal obligations.

In all of the above circumstances, your consent to data processing will not be specifically requested.

We would like to inform you that Portugal Wine Castes processes the personal data of its users only for purposes that are strictly related to the provision of services through this website.

Portugal Wine Castes may have access to third parties’ personal data that is disclosed by users of this website, for example, when a user purchases a product to be sent to a friend, when the user paying for the product is different from the recipient of said product, or when a user wishes to recommend to a friend a service provided on this site or the purchase of a specific product published on this site.

Em todos os casos, que tenham que divulgar informação de terceiros, deve obter o seu consentimento antes de nos fornecer os seus dados pessoais e informa-los sobre a nossa Política de Privacidade. O utilizador será a única pessoa responsável relativamente à divulgação de informações e dados de terceiros, bem como qualquer outro uso ilegal e incompatível de tais dados, caso não lhe tenha sido dado o seu consentimento.

All data provided by the user is the sole responsibility of the user.

Any sensitive/confidential data received in any form or by any means will be immediately destroyed without the prior consent of the data subject.

4. What Happens if You Disclose Your Personal Data:

Except as provided in the following point, the personal data that we ask you to provide, including email address, address and telephone number, is necessary for the processing of your order and for the purchase of products on this website, in order to comply with obligations arising from applicable laws and regulations or to provide other services provided on this website and requested by you.

Refusal to provide us with certain personal data may prevent us from processing your request to purchase products or provide other services on this website.

Failure to provide your personal data may justify our refusal to process your order for the purchase of products on this website or for the provision of services.

The disclosure of your personal data beyond what is necessary to comply with legal or contractual parameters or to provide the services requested by you is optional and has no effect on the use of this website or its services and purchase of products.

We will inform you if your personal data is mandatory or optional, by marking with an asterisk (*) the information that must be filled in. Failure to fill in the optional data will not result in any penalty.

The disclosure of sensitive data is never requested and any disclosure of sensitive data will lead to its destruction.

5. To Whom Your Personal Data Will Be Disclosed:

Your personal data may be disclosed to third parties who provide specific services, such as external entities contracted by Portugal Wine Castes, or who independently process the personal data collected by Portugal Wine Castes and in connection with the fulfillment of a contract for the purchase of products on this website.

Any disclosure will be made without going beyond the purpose for which your personal data was collected and subsequently processed.

In addition, your personal data may be disclosed to third parties in the following situations:

– Comply with applicable laws;

– Responding to judicial and government inquiries;

– Comply with valid legal processes;

– To protect the rights or property of Portugal Wine Castes.

In any case, your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties without being informed or without your consent, when this is required by law, except in the cases provided for in this document.

Portugal Wine Castes may use subcontractors to host computer equipment, under the terms permitted by the legislation governing the processing of personal data. These entities are obliged to maintain secrecy and guarantee security with regard to the personal data to which they have access for this purpose, and must not use this data for any other purpose, or for their own benefit, or relate it to other data they hold.

6. Security measures:

We have adopted security measures to protect your personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, and against other unlawful forms of data processing, as provided for in this Privacy Policy.

However, Portugal Wine Castes cannot guarantee that the security adopted for the protection of this website and for the transmission of data and information through this website will prevent or exclude any risk of unauthorized access or loss of data.

It is advisable that your computer is equipped with software devices that protect you when transmitting and receiving data (such as up-to-date antivirus systems), and that your browser takes the appropriate measures to guarantee security when transmitting data (such as firewalls and anti-spam filters).

7. Cookies:

Portugal Wine Castes uses automatic data collection systems such as cookies. A “cookie” is a device transmitted to an Internet user’s hard disk. Although cookies do not contain intelligible information, they allow us to link an Internet user to their personal information. Cookies are disclosed by our servers and no one can access the information they contain. Only Portugal Wine Castes has access to the information collected by cookies, in a collective and anonymous way, in order to optimize its services and those of this site to the needs and preferences of the user and so that the preparation of the pages of the website are personalized.

Acceptance of our automatic data collection procedures and the use of cookies is necessary to take advantage of the many features and services offered through this site, including the purchase of products. If you set your browser to block or delete cookies, we cannot guarantee that you will have access to all the features and services offered through this website (for example, your computer may not be able to display the image of the product you are trying to purchase).

We will use cookies for functions such as browsing the catalog, purchasing products online and providing services reserved for registered users, as well as collecting statistical and performance data.

8. Your Right of Access to Personal Data and Other Rights:

You have the right to obtain from Portugal Wine Castes, at any time, confirmation of how your data is being processed, even if you are not registered on the website, as well as the communication of this data in a perceptible manner.

You have the right to be informed by Portugal Wine Castes about the origin of the source that transmitted your data, the purposes and means of processing your personal data, the logic behind the electronic processing of data, information about external entities and the names of the subjects and categories of entities to whom your personal data may be disclosed or who may access your personal data (for example, external entities that may be contracted by Portugal Wine Castes). You can also find the above information in this Privacy Policy.

You have the right to obtain this from Portugal Wine Castes at any time:

– The updating, rectification or integration of your personal data;

– The deletion, anonymization or blocking of your personal data.

– Confirmation that the operations in the previous paragraphs have been completed, to whom the data has been communicated or disseminated, except when it becomes impossible to do so or if this means exceeding the protection of the rights it invokes.

You have the right to object, in whole or in part:

– For legitimate reasons, the processing of your personal data, even if it is related to the purposes for which it was collected;

– The processing of your personal data for advertising or direct marketing purposes or to sell products or carry out market research or commercial communications.

You may freely exercise your rights at any time, provided that you do so in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, by sending your request to Portugal Wine Castes via the following email address:

9. Search / Portability

The User has the right to be informed of all data stored in our database relating to the User, and to request a file containing this data for portability purposes.

This process can be requested by sending an email to:

10. Activity log

Keeping a record of all the operations carried out with the customer’s data has become mandatory, and it must be quick and easy to consult. All accesses to customer data are recorded in a log file, where all accesses are stored.

11. Conservation

Data recorded for the purposes of commercial transactions is stored in accordance with current Portuguese law.

The current law makes it compulsory to keep the record for at least 10 (ten) years.

The data collected for statistical and marketing purposes is kept for a maximum period of 1 year.

The personal data collected will be processed and stored within the European Union.

12. Security flaws

Portugal Wine Castes implements the appropriate and necessary security measures to protect your data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss and alteration, as well as unauthorized access.

In accordance with the law, any security breach will be reported to the responsible authorities, and the customers affected will be contacted as soon as possible, within a maximum of 72 hours.



13. Data provided to third parties

Although you are on a website managed by Portugal Wine Castes, you may also be referred to links to third-party websites.

Occasionally, at our discretion, we may include or offer third-party products or services on our platforms.

These third-party websites have separate and independent privacy policies.

These policies are not managed or controlled by Portugal Wine Castes, so we assume no responsibility for the content and activities of these linked websites.

However, we seek to protect the integrity of our website and our platforms and we would be grateful if you could contact us if you would like to give us feedback on them.

We also recommend that you carefully read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of these linked websites before submitting any information or personal data.

14. Responsibility for data processing

Your data will be collected and processed by Portugal Wine Castes, a Manuel Figueiredo & Costa Barbosa Lda. brand, legal person number 510 977 707, with registered offices at Centro Comercial São Mateus, loja 6 – R/Ch, 3500-192, Viseu, Portugal.

This is the company responsible for processing personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016.

15. Applicable legislation:

The processing of personal data by Portugal Wine Castes will be carried out in accordance with Portuguese law.

16. Modifications and Updates:

Portugal Wine Castes may amend or update all or parts of this Privacy Policy, even if it is not required to do so by applicable laws and regulations.

Our users will be notified of any changes or updates to our Privacy Policy on our homepage. All changes and updates will come into effect after their publication on this part of the website.

As such, you should regularly access this section of the website in order to see the latest and most up-to-date version of our Privacy Policy.