
1. Return of defective products:

The customer is entitled to a refund if the products supplied are found to be defective or otherwise non-compliant with the items ordered. Returns can be made within 30 days of notification of the defect or other non-conformity of the products ordered. We will analyze the returned product and inform you of your right to a refund (if applicable). As a rule, we issue refunds within 30 days from the date of confirmation via e-mail of the right to a refund.

If the defect or non-conformity is confirmed as the reason for the return, the full amount paid will be refunded.

The amount paid will be refunded using the same payment method used for the purchase.

2. Return for withdrawal:

If the customer is not satisfied with the products supplied, they may return them within 30 calendar days of receipt. However, the right to a refund only applies if the products are returned:

– They retain their original characteristics and the packaging is not damaged (carefully opened packages will not be considered damaged);

– Be complete;

– They have not been tampered with;

– A justified manufacturing defect.

3. Return of gifts:

The return of a product offered must be made by the person who offered/purchased it. In this case, you must contact the person who bought it so that they can return it, in accordance with the return conditions, for defects or non-conformity or for withdrawal.